How to Make Your Own Zero Waste Toothpaste
This homemade zero waste toothpaste recipe is easy to make, tastes delicious, and works just as well as…
Prepare Your Space by Decluttering
If there is one concept that has been foundational to my Zero Waste journey it’s this: you need far less stuff than…
The All-Natural Countertop Cleaner That Actually Works
When Josh and I went zero waste, one of the first things to go was bottled countertop cleaner.…
Zero Waste Mopping – For A Squeaky Clean Floor & Conscience
Between plastic buckets, single use mopping pads, and chemical-filled disinfectants, your mopping routine can have quite the impact…
Vegetarian vs. Vegan vs. Plant-Based: What’s the Difference?
Vegetarian vs. vegan vs. plant-based. How do you tell which is which? The nuances may seem subtle to many, but to people…
10 Immaterial Ways to Show Love This Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day, world! This year, Josh and I are saving our little celebration until the day’s festivities have…