10 Ways to Extend Gratitude Into Your Everyday

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s gratitude day.

This afternoon, I am enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with my aunt’s family and a few of my wonderful cousins in the lovely Colorado mountain town of Windsor.

When Josh and I moved to Cheyenne, we knew instantly how totally lucky we were to live near family; it’s seriously such a treat!

Today, I am absolutely reveling in gratitude for our life here. Every single day we enjoy innumerable blessings: a cozy little home, delicious food, and the gorgeous landscape of the American West.

It doesn’t take much for me to feel grateful on Thanksgiving day when I’m surrounded by family who love me.

Later in the year? That’s a different story.

How to Practice Gratitude Every Day

So, without further ado, here are ten ways that you can extend gratitude into your everyday!

  1. Start your morning by announcing to the world three things that you love about your life.
  2. Give yourself moments of quiet to meditate.
  3. Surround yourself with positivity.
  4. Nail down an anthem for your life that will spur you toward growth.
  5. Don’t let daily challenges overshadow your victories.
  6. Tell your loved ones what you treasure about them as often as you can.
  7. Keep a journal and record moments in which you feel especially grateful.
  8. Let gratitude for what you have cause you to be generous toward the needs around you.
  9. Recognize where good things come from in your life and praise the source.
  10. End your day by internalizing three good things that have happened to you throughout the day.

I hope this list is an encouragement to you!

Fingers crossed, in a few days I’ll be sharing some photos of our Thanksgiving celebration. In the meantime, keep the gratitude alive!

Thinking of you all,

Still waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to start? Pop this Spotify playlist on the stereo and enjoy the party vibes. Cheers!

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