Best Eco-Friendly Floss for a Flawless Smile

In the current climate, many of us are making small yet significant changes to our ways of life in order to benefit the planet and humanity.  However, while eating less meat and walking to work are both admirable and effective steps towards a greener future, one seemingly insignificant product sitting in your bathroom could be … Read more

The Best Eco-Friendly Notebooks

I love a good notebook. For journaling, to use as an organizer for day-to-day tasks, and simply to sketch or jot down any ideas I may have throughout the day. It’s the ultimate multi-tasker! A paper notebook can help unleash creativity on so many levels, but how do you find the best sustainable notebooks on … Read more

Best Eco-Friendly Backpacks for School, Work or Travel

There are endless uses for a durable, ethical backpack, whether that’s camping, hiking, or simply trekking your work-from-home gear to the nearest coffee shop with an outdoor patio. If you’re back at the office or returning to school soon, why not treat yourself to a cute, environmentally friendly bag that will hold all your essentials … Read more

I’m Taking the #BeRecycled Pledge!

Yesterday, 71,511 people had signed the #BeRecycled pledge, committing themselves to reducing household waste and recycling more. Today, I did the same! The current recycling rate in the United States is a mere 34%. This means that more than two thirds of all recyclables produced in the States are being unnecessarily tossed in the landfill, with no eventual breakdown … Read more

15 Easy Zero Waste Swaps to Make This Fall

Going totally zero waste can seem complicated – trust me, I’ve been there! How do you shrink what goes into that 5 gallon trash can into nothing at all? In reality, eliminating trash from your everyday life often centers around making intentional zero waste swaps from disposable, limited-use items, to reusable, lasting ones. Ready to … Read more

Best Zero Waste Dishwasher Detergent

So you’ve found the zero waste movement, and you’ve heard about toxic chemicals, problematic microplastics, and endangered marine life – but where do you go from here? Making the decision to switch to an eco-friendly, plastic-free, zero waste dishwasher detergent is an easy zero waste swap to make in your kitchen. It is low-effort but … Read more

Zero Waste Breast Milk Storage

While breastfeeding is a beautiful way to bond with your baby and give them a nutritious immunity boost, it can generate a lot of waste, including disposable breast pads, nipple cream containers, and breast milk storage bags. One of the easiest ways to reduce your waste as a breastfeeding mom is to ditch the baggies … Read more

How to Spring Clean Your Entire House in One Day

Spring cleaning is something I’ve been itching to do for weeks now. There is something so therapeutic about throwing open the blinds, cranking up the music, and deep scrubbing the tile in my bathroom till it shines like the top of the Chrysler building (where my Annie fans at?!).  But for whatever reason, all those nasty bugs I was … Read more